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How To Add or Change A Template For A Website?

After creating a website in the dashboard, the next step is to create pages in that website. Before adding pages, lets see how to add a template because pages should also have a design in the first place.

Please follow below steps to add a template to the website.

  • Login to your account if not already done. BTW, you can also do these steps at demo page.

  • Clicking on any site that you have already created in the dashboard, will help you land on the website builder page.

  • Click on Templates Hub button in the left sidebar in the website builder. Add templates to website builder

  • It will open a dialog to browse templates. templates list

  • If no page is added to the website builder you will see two buttons

    • Apply Styles
    • Apply
  • Clicking on Apply button will add that template to the website builder. By default landing page and landing page sections will be added to the pages list.

  • You can change the template whenever you want by clicking on the Apply Styles button from the same templates dialog.